TTCE’s Series 6 – In Review

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Once again, I’ve sat down with a spare half an hour, and have gone back through the tales that have made up Series 6 of the show, and once again like the shit DVD Extras and commentary that no one ever really listens to, have given my own thoughts and feelings, perhaps a bit of an aside here and there also, to each case we have covered this year on the regular show in a rough as a badgers arse, totally unscripted manner – even Peaks features in it.

I thank you all for your very kind support this year, my favourite series to have done to date, and i look forward to seeing you very soon in 2022. All the very best wishes, stay safe out there.

Paul (TTCE) + Peaks (TTCE-cat)

Music used in this episode: “The Descent” by Kevin Macleod. All music used is sourced from and used under an Attribution Licence (

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 Once again dedicated to my dad, JD. 
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