Concluding the opening tale of Series 9, with the account of “The Fox” – how back in 1984 one man brought a wave of terror with his horrific crimes, not just to his hunting grounds in the South of England – but to the country...
Back with the first of a two part tale to start the brand new 9th series of The True Crime Enthusiast Podcast, and for it, we head back to the summer of 1984, where for three counties of the south of England – Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and...
Ahead of the upcoming Series 9 of the show, I sat down and waxed lyrical about the series I’ve just completed, a brief summary of each, how and why I choose the tales I do, and what to look out for in the upcoming Series 9. Couldn’t do...
The Series 8 feature length finale of The True Crime Enthusiast Podcast brings a vile individual, a true monster who literally got away with murder once. And yet, circumstances do denote that the wheels of justice may turn slowly – but they do...
A look at the unsolved comes this time around on The True Crime Enthusiast Podcast, where we look at a trilogy of accounts which span six years, from the late 1980’s to the mid 1990’s, and two police forces. All separated by the East...
We all have relationships break down, some just run their course, and others end through the actions of one or the other person. The majority of people, whilst it may hurt at the time, do accept it is over, and eventually move on, learning from it...
Christmas is traditionally a time of joy, that time of year where you catch up with friends and loved ones, enjoy the festivities, swap gifts and watch children bask in the excitement of it all. For most, it’s a happy time of year, but for...
We return to The State Hospital in South Lanarkshire, the UK’s fourth high security hospital known more recognisably as Carstairs this time around on The True Crime Enthusiast Podcast, to hear more accounts of patients who have spent time...
Online dating is more massively popular than ever today, and the list of sites that you can join up in an attempt to find that special person who may be lacking from your life seems to constantly grow – Plenty Of Fish, Tinder, Grindr, Bumble...
Many areas around the UK have their own tales of a costumed resident – some are just harmless eccentrics, whilst others do it to send some goodwill out or to raise money for good causes. And then some, as the odd title of the episode will come...